Friday, March 9, 2007

The Ugly Scarf

As promised, the scarf that is my penance for having too much yarn. It's in the feather-and-fan stitch, two strands held together.


shelly said...

The ugly scarf is so much less ugly than I thought. You chose a great pattern that really perks it up. I would be honored to wear your ugly scarf. It would definatly make me want to buy a chocolate brown coat. Or cream...

Judith said...

It reminds me of those awful variegated acrylic yarns of the late 1970s. Of course, the difference is that this one is wool!

shelly said...

I had some carpet exactly that shade with some gold thrown in when i first moved into my house. It was shag and I am sure that it was totally fashionable at the time, I didn't cry when it was replaced. I think I hated the shag more than the color.