Saturday, May 19, 2007


I finally got around to checking all my e-mail addresses and found my invite to Judith's KFYS blog. While my stash isn't what I'd call overly huge, if I don't take some steps now to work on the projects I already have yarn for I may never get them started or finished. I really want to be wearing some of them later this year.
A little background.
Married, 2 almost grown children (one post high school at home, one graduating college in June), one obnoxious dog, 3 parents/grandparents that we visit regularly. I've been knitting for a long time but somewhat recently discovered socks, blogland and Yarn Harlot. That caused a major explosion in yarn stash. All those lovely yarns out there that people were blogging about and I just had to try them all. A long stay at a hospital with my husband during his allogenetic stem cell transplant gave me lots of time for shopping and not a lot of concentration for knitting. Simple projects were all my brain could handle while managing husband's treatment/recovery. All has gone really well for him and he's now back at work.
Now I need to work on all that yarn I acquired during that period. (DH has no problem with my yarn addiction. I earned lots of brownie points with everyone during his illness.) Lots of different projects for me to choose from. Right now I have two completely different sweaters on needles, one tank top, multiple socks and a lace scarf. I have more sweater yarn, lace weight for shawls, and lots more sock yarn to work on and thanks to this blog and others lots of ideas on how to use same. Plan is to start getting things finished before another buying binge hits. (Birthday happens soon and that means money I can use for yarn when we go to daughter's graduation.)
Here's hoping this blog helps and that all works out for Judith and her SO.
May the projects fly off the needles and stash reduction occur with jobs and $raises to allow for a return to stash acquisition mode for all. Happy knitting, Alice

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